Brewhead Review: Belhaven Scottish Ale

90 Shilling (export) ale Belhaven Brewery, Scotland Founded 1719 From Belhaven’s 300 years of brewing expertise, you can taste the refined quality in this smooth drinking ale. It …

Belhaven Scottish Ale by Brewhead Von Pilsner
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90 Shilling (export) ale
Belhaven Brewery, Scotland
Founded 1719

From Belhaven’s 300 years of brewing expertise, you can taste the refined quality in this smooth drinking ale. It pours a very clear dark copper color with a creamy head and impressive lacing. The flavor is malty and mildly hopped to balance the caramel sweetness. Subtle nutty, earthy hints enhance the complexity, while yeasts impart a smoky finish.

Belhaven Scottish Ale is a very rich and satisfying ale and at 5.2% ABV you can enjoy more than one. If you hear the bagpipes playing while you drink, don’t mind, it’s all part of the Belhaven experience.

I give this beer a five kilt rating.

Belhaven Website


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  • King Mead

    Sounds like this ale is right up my kilt! Will be tasting several soon.

  • Brewhead

    Belhaven has brewed this beer longer than any of their other beers. I can imagine it’s a model for many of today’s craft brew recipes.